Monday, April 03, 2006


yesterday i saw a slightly different side of my neighborhood. played in the rain for a while with some of the guys from the neighborhood. weird seeing the neighborhood from their eyes. getting soaking wet....playing a game with a ball. i don´t know.....a different look that i wouldn´t get as a tourist. hector´s my tour guide (this was added later bc-he´´s in the cafe reading over my shoulder and reading out english, but he knows when he´s beng talked about....internet cafes equal no privacy between little girls and hector...ay mamasita)

today we spent nine hours in the verizon office trying to get a dsl line set up. a couple of those hours were spent eating lunch with the family of the guy at verizon that was helping us set up the dsl line. everything takes a while to do. i spent a lot of time listening to people speak spanish much of which taht i didn´t understand and staring at white walls. but success....because by six o´clock we´d been fed, had permission to set up a dsl line (not installed yet) and i´ve got a couple options for a spanish prof. there we go. nine hours later, but our goals for the day were accomplished. tomorrow we head out to puerto plato. we have a physican´s assistant visiting with us, and tomorrow will be his tourist day. after that we´ve got lots of patients to see, and í´m going to start helping to set up a patient database and figuring out how to do community health assesments where we´re working. i´m ready to get going.


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