Wednesday, May 10, 2006

as i sat right outside my front door on my steps reading two little girls started to cut through the lot in front of the building. they saw me and smiled and then changed their path jumped the fence and walked up the steps and sat next to me. i'd never seen them before. the older of the two started talking to me. she asked me questions about myself and milagros. she asked questions about the united states. she asked me to sing in english. she asked me if it was cold there. she then started talking about how she was hungry. how she lived with her younger sister and her mom. she started talking about women taking money from men. she was talking fast, and i couldn't understand what she was talking about; however, i think it was prositution. she was talking about how money here is hard to come by. i was pretty sure she wanted something from me. i ended up giving her and her sister bread. we then talked about school....she told me she couldn't go because she needed notebooks that she didn't have and that they were expensive. again i got the feeling that she was hinting at something. i tried to figure out what i should do. my money was in my bedroom further into my apartment....if i did anything, i'd want to go with her to the pharmacy a few doors down and buy the notebooks. but for some reason i felt like i shouldn't leave an 11 year old and a 5 year old in the doorway of my apartment with my computer and camera sitting right there. and i didn't like taht i didn't trust these girls. they eventually decided to go....i never bought them the notebooks they said they needed. who knows if they were lying.....

i feel like maybe i should have. what is even worse is that there are 11 year old and 5 year old children who randomly talk to strangers in hopes of food. after they left i wished i would have given them more. i saved enough for myself for dinner.....i could have given it to them and gotten more when they left. i could have given them a little bit of ham. hrm. i guess there's nothing i can do now....except say a prayer for them. pray taht tonight they are safe. i wonder why they are wandering around alone at night. i pray that they don't resort to things they feel they need to resort to in order to procure food or money....things that will harm their bodies and minds. just a sobering moment in this last night. tomorrow to the land of plenty.


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