Sunday, April 09, 2006


not too much exciting has happened since yesterday. we got our electricity back then went to show the physician´s assistant altos de chabon and la romana very pretty wealthy areas. also somewhat upper class touristy areas....not the typical family on the beach stuff. when we got home we found no electricity (frustrating and typical but not a norm for an evening....normally they cut it out during the day or in the middle of the night when it´s not as necessary) unfortunately it´s still not back on at our house.

this week is easter week so there will be lots of festivals going on i guess. also, i´ve been meaning to say there´s an election happening here in may. things here are so political. much more political even then the states during the last election. everyone has banners and paints houses and cars and motorcycles for their canidates. also, there are posters with pictures of the canidates everywhere. canidates campaign by putting a ton of speakers on the back of a truck and driving through the cities blasting music. i´´ve seen a couple of march type things. a bunch of cars, people, and motorcycles for a line and ride through the streets making as much noise as possible. i guess similar things will be happening this week. appearently there will be parades past my apartment. i´m interested ot see what happens. i also found that many people don´t work this week and no one works thursday through sunday.

well, that´s all the news i´ve got at the moment.


At 3:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many people are running and for what political offices? Local, National? How do people vote? Polling people get the day off to vote?
wanting to learn more....


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