Thursday, April 20, 2006

this morning i went walking with milagros. i discovered what appeared to be a little bit of ohioan suburbia right here in the middle of san pedro. a couple of minutes from my house there{s a track. there were lots of people walking laps. as we walked more and more people showed up. a lot of athletic looking people started jumping hurdles, doing stadiums and other weird running things. it felt sorta like home. then a random guy decided he was going to walk with us for a while. he picked up on my americanism and seemed really eager to practice his english. so he walked with us for a while and then when we left said he{d see us tomorrow same time same place. so.....a new friend. i{ve found lots of people want to practice their english here. if you know english you can get a decent hotel job i think.

then we went back to verizon and the wonderful news of the day is i have a spanish prof!!! she seemed really nice and knowledgeable. i start on monday. i also have plans to go see a dance class (not at the church at another place) and maybe teach i don{t know on saturday. something about their teacher went to cuba. other than that i{ve been hanging around the house waiting for the internet guys to come and working on some stuff for work. goal setting stuff. nothing else too exciting. we{ve got a patient coming at three and taht{s about it. well i hope all is well with everyone.


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